1. Open MemoQ

2. Click Options.

3. Click MT.
Under the category Default Resources.

4. Check the box on the Alexa Translations A.I. plugin.

5. Click the gear icon to configure Alexa Translations A.I.

6. Enter the API Key provided by the Alexa Translations team.
If you have not received your API key, please reach out to your CSM or email ai_support@alexatranslations.com
7. The "Use plain text only" option processes the text without retaining formatting or tags.
8. The "Use both formatting and tags" option preserves the formatting and tags from the source document.
9. Click on Check API key.
10. Once The API key is validated, a pop-up message will appear.
Click ok to go back to the "MT" menu.
11. Click Create new.
12. Type the preferred name for the Alexa Translations A.I. MT resource.
13. Check the box to make the new Alexa Translations A.I. the default for all languages.
14. Click Yes.
How to use Alexa Translations A.I. in your MemoQ projects
1. Click New Project.
2. Fill out the information on the project.
3. Import files that require translation.
4. Click on Settings inside the project.
5. Click on MT.
6. Double-click the Alexa Translations A.I. plugin to access the settings.
7. Click on Settings.
8. "Pre-translation" and "Translation Results" are separate processes in memoQ, and each one calls for translation separately.
Select Alexa Translations A.I. in the "Pre-translation" field if you want MT for all segments.
9. "Translation Results" is typically the second part of the translation process after the Pre-translation is completed.
Select "Off" if the Pre-translation option is enabled. Or select any of the other options if this step is where you would require MT.
10. Click Translations on the left-side menu.
11. Double-click the document for translation.
12. Click on Preparation.
13. Click Pre-Translate.
14. Click Select MT and AIQE services ...
15. Click OK.
16. Click OK.
17. All the segments that match the criteria will be populated with Alexa Translations MT content.
Your Alexa Translations A.I. Plugin is configured and ready to use. If you have any questions or encounter any issues with the installation, please contact ai_support@alexatranslations.com.
The Alexa Translations Addin is automatically included in memoQ 9.5 and later. For memoQ 9.4 or earlier, please contact ai_support@alexatranslations.com for assistance.