Document pretranslation can be done in FlowFit-TMS through an automatic pretranslation task in a workflow (with a system serviceconfiguration) or, a special tab can be added in the Client Portal to allow requesters to pretranslate a copy-pasted text
How to configure the Alexa Translations A.I. API
1. Go to > Connectors > Alexa Translations A.I. > Parameters
2. Push the Enabled button to the right.
Enter the API URL provided by your Alexa A.I. point of contact (usually or
3. Enter the API key, API username and API project ID provided by your Alexa A.I. point of contact.
4. Select the applicable file export, OCR, tags and speaker’s notes options.
5. Click on Save.
How to configure an Alexa Translations A.I. pretranslation task
1. Once your API parameters are entered, make sure to configure a system service under > Administration > Services and include this system service within a workflow, so that FlowFit can automatically translate source documents in FlowFit-TMS.
2. Go to > Administration > Services - - Confluence (
How to configure an Alexa Translations A.I. profile
Once your API parameters are entered, make sure to configure a machine translation profile if you’d like to make Alexa Translations A.I. available in the client portal.
1. Go to > Connectors > Alexa Translations A.I. > Parameters > MACHINE TRANSLATION - PROFILE
2. Push the Enabled button to the right.
3. Enter a Name for your profile.
4. Click on the blue + sign to enter the French translation.
5. Select the applicable text and file options.
6. Click on Manage languages and use the filters to select all language pairs to allow.
7. Click on Save.
How to configure an Alexa Translations A.I. client portal tab
1. Once your API parameters and a machine translation profile are configured under > Connectors, you can create a dynamic menu in the client portal to allow requesters to use a machine translation.
2. Please check out: > Clients > Client Portal Profile (v.3) - - Confluence ( > Connectors > Alexa Translations A.I. - FlowFit User Documentation - Confluence (