How to integrate Alexa Translations A.I. in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint for macOS and Windows

1. Click Home > Add-ins

Microsoft Word

2. Search for Alexa Translations and click Add.

3. The Alexa Translations A.I. Add-in will appear on the right side of the screen and can be accessed through the Add-ins menu at any time.

4. Complete the login credentials by including the API key provided by the Alexa Translations team.

Click on Remember me for easier access during future visits.

5. Select the language direction of the translation.

6. Highlight the text in the document that you wish to Translate.

7. Select the translation result and click Replace

The selected text will be replaced with the translated text.

8. The steps outlined above explain the installation and usage of the Microsoft Word Add-in.

The same steps should also be followed for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.