How can I get alternative translations while translating?

Simplify your translation process with ‘Alternative Translations’ on the “Editor” and “Translate Text” features.

The “Alternative Translations” tab allows you to get additional machine translation options for the entire segment or any selected part. After selecting a segment in the ”Edit Segments” section, the “Alternative Translations” tab becomes clickable, thus, providing you with different translation options you can choose from.



  1. Log in > Translate > Documents > Translate your document.
  2. Click Actions at the three dots > Edit > Select a segment.
  3. Select “Alternative Translation” tab > Select a word/phrase in it > Receive alternative translations.
  4. Apply > Click Approve or Reject the final segment.

ATAI 2.3.1 - Editor Alternative Text-Optimized

Translate Text

  1. Log In > Translate > Text > Translate text.
  2. Choose Source Language > Choose Target Language.
  3. Write the text in the “Source” section > Get results in the “Target” section.
  4. Select desired text from the “Target” language section > Receive alternative translations on the dropdown below (as shown on the image).

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